This month the mix design group has been working in the lab to test the materials that have been delivered. Pictured below is one of the latest materials we have been working with, Pumice.
In order for the team to create an aggregate mixture that complies with the competition gradation requirements, materials need to be sieved. Using the No. 4,8,16,30,50,100, and 200 sieves, the aggregate was sieved and the distribution was recorded. So far, the cenospheres has proven to be a candidate for the smaller part of the distribution. The Pumice is also being tested, and the gradation can be seen below. There are larger particles of the pumice, which will most likely not be used in the final mix design.
The sieved aggregate is being stored in containers so that each proportioned size is easily accessible. The next step in this process is to proportion the aggregate for the mix by utilizing different sizes of each material.