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Preliminary Mix Design

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

On Thursday, September 22 Hayley and Rachel went into the lab for the first time to assess our inventory of concrete materials as well as make a very preliminary mix design. We followed a 3-2-1 mix design and utilized the sand, concrete, and poraver to make this mix. We also located the cube molds and placed the mix into those molds to set for a day. See the image below of the molds and the materials that we found.

24 hours later, we removed the cubes and placed them into water to cure, as seen below!

Experimental cubes in water. They will sit for a week before testing

After letting these cubes sit for a week in the water, we will test them. Some preliminary notes about the cubes are that they do sink in the water, meaning that they are less dense than water. This is not the ideal characteristic of the mix, so we will work towards making a mix that can float. Stay tuned for more on the testing results.

3-2-1 mix cube removed from the water before the compression test

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